
Monday, July 25, 2011

The Outside in

Life takes shelter by gsbene
Life takes shelter, a photo by gsbene on Flickr.
A distant cry comes
from the depths of her soul
expressing a need, a longing, to be heard.
It is a cry for freedom.
freedom from the trapped box within
that she has lived in for far, far too long.

The need to breathe the air of a life lived free,
 in tune with her heart,
outweighs her fears
so she cuts a window to the outside
and lets it in by opening her heart.

her true nature begins to be revealed once again,
shadows begin to leave
as a stream of light enters.
She has begun the process
of becoming whole, once again.

The sounds of nature,
the smell of flowers,
the vibrancy of sunlight
all are appreciated more fully,
as she courageously begins
her new life with an open heart .


Prompt Links: Jingle Poetry - nature and life, One Single Impression - need , Sunday Scribblings- distant, dVerse Poets  open link night - all poetry welcome
Daily Music Link: the song- You and Your Heart - Jack Johnson (click here to view)

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