
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Flight with Unicorns

Hammock, a photo by Alexander Cochrane   on Flickr

She lies on the hammock,
adapting to the swinging motion,
and is lulled to sleep.

Her dreams glide her to a place
where there are no obstacles
to our imagination,
where all is possible
 and where love reigns in all.

It is in this place
she rides on a unicorn
that is flying with his family
and with his friends,
the eagles, at sunrise.

While in flight,
there is a knowing in her heart
that the shadowed place
she was living in is no more,
that her new beginning
will be filled with
whimsy, creativity, loving kindness,
and adventure.

This knowingness stays with her
when she wakes
and helps her begin her new life
with courage.


Prompt Links: 3WW - lie, glide, adapt ; dVerse Poets Pub - open submission

Music Link: the song, Summertime sung by Kenny Chesney (click here to view on youtube)

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